Well, here's my final version of real-time world edit. I won't post the code, just the source.

It's coded completely by me, the only thing found by others are the addresses. I came up with the calculations on my own too
(the text conversion part is still just modified from Toenailed's, I'll make a new one later)

Credit for the original goes to Toenailed

Final RTWE

Works indoors/outdoors
Allows removing of leading zeros
Automatically determines your location
Allows "de-seeding" outdoors, and removing of blank spaces inside (even in other towns)
Two lines shorter than the original RTWE
Includes different DPad check that works in all directions including diagonally (i think the original didn't, i haven't checked)

Anyway, here is the source

@Convert to thumb
add r2,pc,#1            
bx r2

ldr r5,CheckLocation
ldrb r5,[r5]
cmp r5,#5

@Check if you're in a location other than outdoors/player house

bgt Exit

ldr r1,CoordinatesPointer

ldr r1,[r1]
cmp r1,#0

@Check if you're at the games menu or some place that clears the address in the pointer

beq Exit

ldr r4,IOKeys
ldrb r4,[r4]

mov r2,#0xA9
lsl r2,#3
neg r2,r2 @r2 now holds negative #0x548
ldr r3,[r1,r2] @r3 now holds X coordinates
lsr r3,#0xC

add r2,#8
ldr r2,[r1,r2] @r2 now holds y coordinate
lsr r2,#0xC

@---DPad check---@
@start with left
mov r0,#0x20
tst r4,r0
bne Right
sub r3,#2
mov r0,#0x10
tst r4,r0
bne Up
add r3,#2
mov r0,#0x40
tst r4,r0
bne Down
sub r2,#2
mov r0,#0x80
tst r4,r0
bne None
add r2,#2

cmp r5,#0
beq OutdoorsCheck

cmp r3,#0    @check if you're outside of the house's item slots
blt Exit
cmp r3,#0x1E @check if you're outside of the house's item slots
bgt Exit

cmp r2,#0
blt Exit
cmp r2,#0x1E 
bgt Exit
b Continue


cmp r3,#0x20 @check if you're before the map
blt Exit
cmp r3,#0xA0 @check if you're after the map
bgt Exit

cmp r2,#0x20 @check if you're before the map
blt Exit
cmp r2,#0xA0 @check if you're after the map
bgt Exit

@Divide by 2 and subtract #0x10 so you end up with the Row/Column number
lsr r3,#1 
lsr r2,#1
cmp r5,#0

@If you're in the house, there's no need to subtract
bgt BeginDivision
sub r3,#0x10
sub r2,#0x10

@r2 holds column
@r3 holds row

mov r0,#0xF
mov r4,#0xF

@-----------My routine
and r0,r3,r0
lsr r3,#4

@-----------My routine
and r4,r2,r4
lsr r2,#4

@r3 holds y box multiply by #0x200
@r2 holds x box multiply by #0x800
@r0 holds column multiply by #0x2
@r4 holds row  multiply by #0x20

lsl r0,#1   @multiply by #2
lsl r4,#5   @multiply by #32
lsl r3,#9   @multiply by #512
lsl r2,#0xB @multiply by #2048

ldr r1,Map
cmp r5,#0
beq AddSlot
sub r5,#1
mov r1,#0x45
lsl r1,#4
mul r5,r1
ldr r1,House
add r1,r5

@add to the map to get the space you're on

add r1,r4
add r1,r0
add r1,r2
add r1,r3

@[texttoItem] = r5

@My version allows removing of leading zeros
ldr r4, Text
mov r5,#0x0
mov r0,#0xC
mov r2,#0xF

ldrb r3,[r4]
add r4,#0x1
cmp r3,#0x20
bgt skipthis
sub r4,#1
lsr r5,r0
lsr r5,#4
b Store
cmp r3,#0x40
blt skip
sub r3,#0x7
and r3,r2
lsl r3,r0
add r5,r3
sub r0,#0x4
bpl loop

@Store the item in that space
strh r5,[r1]
bx lr

.long 0x21C6DEC
.long 0x21E3124
.long 0x22AF136
.long 0x21EED6C
.long 0x21E5328
.long 0x4000130