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Thread: "Hacked" DLC - the New Plan (comments please)

  1. #111


    re: releasing additional test items
    I thought about that, and like Omni suggests, using the *existing* slots (and item codes). ie. the 2 light sabres slots (golden axes by any other name). IMHO tool items are the most fun (since you can cut down trees and bonk your friends over the head).

    So for hackers who want to play with them, they could select any two.
    Releasing them into the 'wild' is not a big problem. But the DLC haters will complain anyway.

    For non-WiiBrew people, who haven't seen them before, they would get the new items. That's why I'd like them to be at least as good as the V1 light sabres.
    When visiting a non-hacker town who already had the original light sabres there would be no difference. They would still have the V1 light sabres. That would keep the DLC haters happy (?). The original light sabres have inoculated them from these additional test "viruses" !
    If a non-WiiBrew user had the originals and wanted the new ones, the only non-WiiBrew solution would be to restart their town (and immediately visit a friend who had the new items).
    Some people threatened restarting their towns to get rid of the DLC they couldn't even see. Would regular users restart their town to get something they could actually see and use?

    Interesting possibilities. Something to try later. The game is still new (less than 3 months old) and the tools are still very primitive. Probably later in March.

  2. #112


    I very much see your point. But perhaps that's why it will work so well as a wiibrew-only kind of thing. And at the same time, if people are so willing to restart their towns just to get the new items, I'd say why not let them? People have gotten pretty tired of their dust-bowl towns anyway. I dunno. Food for thought. Thanks for taking the time to consider it and reply. We all very much appreciate your innovative contributions.
    Everywhere at once.

  3. #113


    DSpet, I see and understand ur point 100%
    thats what good hackers do, find what real and common people like and do it for them. all this can be fixed easily. we just need a poll of several "possible" new items and put it out there where people will call their favorites. and as of "haters" screw them! they were explained plenty of times how this HDLC works and how it is not gonna harm their games, if they dont wanna listen and remain ignorant for the rest of their lives then its their problem, "its not official legit stuff from Nintendo" so what!?? its just a game!! not a dang bank account ur hacking here! and about releasing the tool, well thats kinda bad if u ask me, not everyone its gonna follow the rules. There's a lot of people who could mess up the DLC for the whole game worldwide if they start spreading crappy stuff, thats why I wouldnt put the tool out there, but its too much work for just one person, so... here's an option, maybe you can select your HDLC team, just people you really trust and wouldnt give it away to other people who might mess it up, and what stuff to make? well maybe the poll of pre-selected items would work, and we could come up with a way to post on Animal Crossing Community and GameFaqs without getting the post banned, and tell them the place where they can go and cast their votes which could be a totally different webpage

  4. #114


    Mew, DsPet's tool will not allow people to release HDLC. It only allows them to create and test it, but not send it over wifi. He and the community will be the final word on what goes out. That's the whole idea behind the "new plan". We are currently discussing the release of his other TEST items in the same hex slots as the existing hdlc, so that we can see a bit more of what he's learned without giving people anything else to complain about, should they have that unseemly propensity.
    Everywhere at once.

  5. #115


    oh okay!! yup! i get it now! great idea!!
    thats like overlapping the already hacked sabers right? so no empty spots will be used.

  6. #116


    Exactly! Then the wii-brew users could test out the new developments without everybody freaking out about more spots being used. And then way down the line when we've learned more about the 3-d models and animations and such, the HDLC that is actually released will be much more advanced, and people will be much more receptive. I think so, anyway.
    Everywhere at once.

  7. #117


    hi its me (jonowarren) from acc just ignore the pt and can you please allow WoaH to make a DLC item as (if you have seen the better than nintendo made npcs) we have amazing artistic talent!!! also do you still need usb gecko?

  8. #118


    I think it's great that you are experimenting with all these things, I think you'll all come up with fantastic new items! I can't wait to see what else you've come up with.

  9. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by DsPet View Post
    The game is still new (less than 3 months old) and the tools are still very primitive. Probably later in March.
    While that may be true, the amount of people who play this game are lowering. It's just not fun when nothing new ever happens. For me, DLC is the only reason to stick around and keep playing. It's a fun social game, but let's face it, there's only so much you can do. Once everything is said and done, there's nothing left but to move on or wait for more content. And since Nintendo feels it's appropriate to release DLC no more than once a month, you're pretty much the only source for new items. I know you're working hard, and I look forward to whatever is on it's way.

  10. #120


    >...the amount of people who play this game are lowering
    That's why more people should get into 'hacking'
    As you know there are many fun things to do in your town with ACToolkit, NPC_Tool, PattView and other tools.

    >And since Nintendo feels it's appropriate to release DLC no more than once a month
    BTW: New Play Control Pikmin will be released in North America on March 9, 2009. Expect the "red Pikmin" hat DLC to be (re-)released to US/NorthAmerica users to promote the game.

    Remember, the Nintendo give-away updates are for promoting Nintendo product releases.
    They aren't doing it to invent new items to keep the existing owners interested. Nintendo already has your money.
    BTW: That's the role for the "hackers", to make the games more fun, for free after you bought the game.

    > I look forward to whatever is on it's way.
    FWIW: the tools are still on the back burner, but they are slowly getting better.
    After the 4 month anniversary, expect hacked DLC to ramp up again.
    BTW: The "polygroups" are figured out, more or less (thanks again to the original work by William Hahne). That means things like 3D models with textures.

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