Ok I am posting this here because I believe you guys are one of the best sites for answers on asm for NDS games.
The game is Prey The Stars (U) version. Normal codes will not work for this game because it is stored in the 0x01FFxxxx area, which means no normal ar write code will work, so all asm type codes.
Ok I am having this issue. What I want to do is make a code in a routine in the game where the enemy does not collect points by eating, but the player will always collect points. The normal routine stores data for player and enemy so I can't just modify one line asm I would have to do a full custom routine. So this is what I have so far:

push {r5}
ldr r5,=0x01FFC53C
cmp r8,r5
subne r1,r4,r7
addeq r1,r4,r7,lsl #0x4
cmp r1,r0
movgt r1,r0
mov r0,r8
str r1,[r8,#0x8CC]
pop {r5}
bx r14
Problem with this code it works partially. Enemies don't get points for eating anything but if player eats anything the game will crash. Any help on this will greatly be appreciated. Thank You very much.