Casamassina Leaves IGN
, 04-24-2010 at 01:10 AM (17695 Views)
I remember IGN back when it was I remember Cassa's face thrown on one of the models in Perfect Dark. I remember the dynamic duo that was Boz and Matt. That is why when I saw a new e-mail in my inbox from IGN today, I was more than nervous. Ever since I received the e-mail alert about Mark Bozon leaving IGN, I fear each unread message will be another friend moving on. This doesn't come as a surprise for those of us that have been paying attention, though. They've even hinted at it in a few of the Nintendo Voice Chat podcasts recently (the very podcast that Matt created). People would ask where Matt was and the crew would give a little sigh, a quick meh, and move onto the next topic.
If you haven't figured it out by now, Matt Casamassina has gone on to bigger and better things after 14 years with IGN. His personal blog/spicy cuisine website states that he is now in charge of managing the App Store for Apple. I'd like to say congratulations to him on his new position and thanks for the wonderful years as an editor at IGN. You will be missed over at IGN (which is going downhill these days).