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  • PattView v3.0 and Pushmo Level Editor Released!

    A complete rewrite of PattView with a few new features and a speedy, new GUI has been released! You can check out the promo video below:

    For fans of the 3DS downloadable title Pushmo (or Pullblox), a PC level editor has recently been released. Virus and Vash have been hard at work with our friends over at GBAtemp, and the result is elisherer's Pushmo Level Editor (PLE). You can check that out at the link below:

    PLE Release Thread
    Comments 6 Comments
    1. Oni-Neoxes's Avatar
      Oni-Neoxes -
      Amazing Game
    1. Shano56's Avatar
      Shano56 -
      Good work on the update guys
    1. Pengril's Avatar
      Pengril -
      Where can i download pattviewx?lol
    1. Virus's Avatar
      Virus -
      You can download PattViewX here.
    1. lyra's Avatar
      lyra -
      i downloaded this thru the homebrew browser and when i load it it always goes to a black screen and i never get the editor to load, is there a particular ios it should run on?
    1. zeldapikmin's Avatar
      zeldapikmin -
      Hey, how do I overwrite a ProPattern? It won't let me. In PattView.
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