
  1. Boredom..

    Hm.. so what IS new... hmm.. OH. I got my car this week! Its a '98 Park Avenue (Buick) I'm actually surprised that I fit in it.. we got it for 3 grand, with a new motor and alternator in it That and a one year warranty.

    I was surprised to see that it had many of the things that my dad's Ford Edge has (his is an.. 08? meh i forget somewhere around there..) Anyhow, it has... power windows, power seats, power reclining, power headrests, built in garage door opener, front wheel drive, ...
  2. Success :) (HackShield disabled)

    I finally managed to disable ehsvc.dll from loading, and the HSUpdate.exe. It took awhile to find every thing.. and figure out what did what... butttt in the end I guess it was worth it. The client seems to check for edit further along in the program, I've managed to disable a few of the disconnects that are caused by those checks.. but some still exist. Well I guess I will see what I can do :]
  3. Wonderking Hacking and stuff'

    Well.. after several hours I've found the call that loads ehsvc.dll (when this is loaded Eaglent.sys is loaded as well it seems..) however if you disable it the game doesn't seem to boot at all. Ah what a pain I guess I'm going to have to delve deeper into the dll if I can ever unpack the stupid thing.

    In other news david just messaged me about my sig X) about time david! lol jk Thanks for making it for me, can't wait to see it. You seem to have gotten better at photoshop.. whether ...

    Updated 08-16-2009 at 12:10 PM by Maniac

  4. Epic Boredom?

    Yeah soooo at first I didn't think I'd ever use this.. but I guess I am now.. the reason? Complete boredom. Before I bug nw5 about my sig in about 2 minutes I thought I'd just try this out.. I may use it later on down the road.

    Currently I'm trying to hack a new MMO called Wonderking, its currently in Closed Beta II, I was able to hack in beta I but they've redone some things and making an edited client that doesn't seem to crash is a pain in the ***... to say the least. I've disabled ...

    Updated 08-15-2009 at 03:15 PM by Maniac
