[URL]http://exclaim.acrevolution.com/[/URL] [IMG]http://exclaim.acrevolution.com/exclaimdude_bg.png[/IMG] Just a little project I'm working on. It's not exactly finished, but I need to move away from html and use php for this. :P
In case you guys didn't know it, but MW2 is finally coming out with some map packs now! :D [quote=Infinity Ward] [B]The Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package is coming to Xbox LIVE on March 30th![/B] [IMG]http://www.modernwarfare2.com/uploads/news/DLC_newsbanner_2-1268287285.jpg[/IMG] The multiple Game of the Year award-winner Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 just got bigger, with more epic ...
A couple of hours ago at our county fair, those guys who work the prize stands asked me if I wanted to play a round (and of course those things are rip offs). I said "Hell ****ing no! Imma go home and play some Call of Duty!" His face was like: 0_o We lol'd
I couldn't figure out anything to do, but then Maniac told me the answer: [quote=Maniac] Find something better to do?[/quote] Thanks Maniac! Because of you, I am now more dedicated to my schooling now.:D ... Bwahaha couldn't say that with a straight face. xD