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  1. VIP Membership Giveaway!

    Yeah, so I started a VIP Membership Giveaway 2 days ago and there are already around 20 entries! Keep 'em coming guys. They look awesomeeee. I will take the time to post a few of my favorites in this blog entry...

    Have to start with my own. I'm very self-centered, you know

  2. For teh lulz

    A couple of hours ago at our county fair, those guys who work the prize stands asked me if I wanted to play a round (and of course those things are rip offs). I said "Hell ****ing no! Imma go home and play some Call of Duty!"

    His face was like: 0_o

    We lol'd
  3. Boredom..

    Hm.. so what IS new... hmm.. OH. I got my car this week! Its a '98 Park Avenue (Buick) I'm actually surprised that I fit in it.. we got it for 3 grand, with a new motor and alternator in it That and a one year warranty.

    I was surprised to see that it had many of the things that my dad's Ford Edge has (his is an.. 08? meh i forget somewhere around there..) Anyhow, it has... power windows, power seats, power reclining, power headrests, built in garage door opener, front wheel drive, ...
  4. Another Project!

    I just downloaded DarkGDK for Microsoft VS 2008 so that I can code games in C++ so we'll see how it is. I've seen some screenshots and they look awesome. I'll put up a sample program after I learn a few of the commands and such.
  5. Its Official

    Work + Hangover = Is the equivalent to sticking my shlong in a blender... or electrical outlet.
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