Recent Blogs Posts

  1. My answer has been solved!

    I couldn't figure out anything to do, but then Maniac told me the answer:

    Find something better to do?[/quote]

    Thanks Maniac! Because of you, I am now more dedicated to my schooling now.:D


    Bwahaha couldn't say that with a straight face. xD
  2. Wonderking Hacking and stuff'

    Well.. after several hours I've found the call that loads ehsvc.dll (when this is loaded Eaglent.sys is loaded as well it seems..) however if you disable it the game doesn't seem to boot at all. Ah what a pain I guess I'm going to have to delve deeper into the dll if I can ever unpack the stupid thing.

    In other news david just messaged me about my sig X) about time david! lol jk Thanks for making it for me, can't wait to see it. You seem to have gotten better at photoshop.. whether ...

    Updated 08-16-2009 at 12:10 PM by Maniac
