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Thread: Japanese wii to ntsc

  1. #1

    Default Japanese wii to ntsc

    how do i do this on a 4.0 wii jap? I need to know soon.

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Don't you ask this question like every other week?

  4. #4


    haha yea i do. Its just that no one ever makes it clear. But i do have to give you guys credit. I post a question and like 5 minutes later somene answers it. You guys are awesome

  5. #5


    wouldnt it be easier just to remove the region from the wii? Then you can play anything.

  6. #6


    problem is that there are no hacks. Not that i can find. Btw this is my friends wii he moved here from japan so he can't get any wii games. So he told me to change it. does anyregion changer work on 4.0?

  7. #7

  8. #8


    Yeah it works. Just so you know, your friend won't be able to access the shop channel if he changes the region of his Wii.
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  9. #9


    sweat! thanks you guys! He doesn't really care aboyt the shop channel

  10. #10


    If the shop channel really did have anything we needed, we wouldnt bother hacking and we would update. But we can just get anything the wii shop channel has anyway.

    Except updates for the nintendo channel. I dont even know if you can use it if you dont update. But ya its better if he makes it region free instead of changing regions.

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