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Thread: 4.2 released today!

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    Post Wii Menu 4.2 released in all regions

    Wii Menu 4.2 released in all regions have been uploaded to the Wii Servers. Don't update. Unless you want a Homebrewless Wii and an unfixable bricked (If it gets bricked) Wii.
    WARNING! The 'old' 4.0, and 4.1 updaters WILL brick your Wii due to installing the 'stub' IOS from Nintendo!

    See for a list of exploits.

    Removes HomeBrew Channel (HAXX). (Use the new HackMii installer.)
    Removes DVDx (DVDX). (Use the new HackMii Installer)
    Removes BootMii as IOS and boot2. (No workaround for this right now.)
    Preloader unloadable due to IOS70 being the System Menu IOS. (Use a moddified version of the Preloader installer.)
    ALL IOS's have been stubbed and updated.
    boot2 updated to boot2v4(LU64's have this) and unable to downgrade to revert back to your old System Menu.
    cIOS249/222/223/250 have been removed, not 202 (USB 2.0). (Restore the trucha bug and delete the stubbed cIOS using Anytitledeleter and reinstall cIOS249.)
    IOS70 is the System Menu IOS.

    Ways around this?
    Use Bannerbomb v2 to run the HackMii installer. Run Trucha Bug Restorer and select No IOS Reload. Downgrade IOS15, and then reload and select IOS15, then IOS36 menu, YES to everything. Then reload, and select IOS36 to Restore IOS15. Run anytitledeleter and delete IOS 202, 222, 223, 249, and 250. Run cIOS38 rev14 installer and select IOS36 and have fun! Want PreLoader on your 4.2 Wii? You simply need the Trucha bug enabled at IOS70...

    4.2 System Menu is not stable AT ALL! Bricks are being reported on unmodded Wii's! And another brick that people get is by updating their IOS60, Nintendo's latest IOS60 is a stub, (which it will brick your Wii.)
    Last edited by yyhhggtt; 10-16-2009 at 08:47 PM. Reason: EVERYTHING.

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